Unlocking Success At Work And At Home With Randy Gravitt


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Episode Overview:

In this conversation, Skot Waldron interviews Randall Gravitt about the importance of balancing work and personal life. They discuss the impact of burnout, the misconception of work-life balance, and the traits of successful individuals who have achieved harmony between work and home. Randall shares insights from his book, 'Winning Begins at Home,' which emphasizes the significance of prioritizing family and relationships. He encourages leaders to focus on loving first and living last, putting others before themselves. The conversation highlights the need for intentional decision-making, training, and surrounding oneself with a supportive community.

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Skot Waldron (00:00.23)
As it already has. Um, have you done a Riverside interview before? No. Okay. When I hit stop recording, don't bail. It's got to finish uploading. Um, on that side, uh, Riverside sometimes will get really pixelated if it's trying to buffer and upload, but what it's, what it's doing is it's recording high res on your side, recording high res on my side. And that's why it's going to upload both separately. Um, so when we get done, so if it like glitches for a second.

Randall Gravitt (00:03.662)
I have not.

Skot Waldron (00:28.71)
Just go with it. It's still recording on your side. If you have no idea what I said, then we'll revisit it. You know, we'll just go with the flow. You know, I would think that in the year 2024, we would have technology. It was a little bit smoother there, but you know, how can I complain though? I mean, it's like, can I complain with that? We can do all kinds of stuff from airplanes moving through the sky, you know? Um,

Randall Gravitt (00:42.798)
You think so, yeah.

Randall Gravitt (00:51.118)
Pretty cool.

Pretty amazing.

Skot Waldron (00:56.966)
All right. Well, cool. I really appreciate you doing this. How can I serve you best today?

Randall Gravitt (01:01.134)
I'm just looking forward to hanging out and having a conversation and be fun and hopefully add value to your audience and help some people be reminded that work's not the only thing going on. So.

Skot Waldron (01:13.478)
Oh gosh, this is going to be such a good conversation because I have a client that is in need of this right now. So, um, I hope, I, uh, hope to get some knowledge out of this from you. So, um, I appreciate it. Where, where are you, where do you live?

Randall Gravitt (01:20.814)
That's good.

Randall Gravitt (01:31.662)
I'm down in Sharpsburg, Peachtree City area, south of the airport in Atlanta as well. So yeah.

Skot Waldron (01:35.302)
Oh, okay. Okay. All right. You got a golf cart?

Randall Gravitt (01:40.718)
I don't, but everybody else does. We're not on the same trails, but yeah.

Skot Waldron (01:43.974)
I was going to say, isn't that a requirement to be down there? You have like.

Randall Gravitt (01:48.622)
Yeah, we're about three miles from the trails, so we're kind of away a little bit. So yeah, good. But all my buddies have them. So it is. I think they I think there's over 100 miles of trails in Peachtree City. It's crazy. Yeah.

Skot Waldron (01:52.486)
Uh, okay. Okay. Fair enough. Fair enough. There you go. They got them. You don't need one.

Skot Waldron (02:05.382)
That's nuts. That's nuts. Cool. All right, Randy, we're going to do this thing, man. You are Randy or Randall. Randy. Okay. Cool. All right. You ready?

Randall Gravitt (02:12.398)

Randall Gravitt (02:17.806)
Yes sir, let's roll.

Skot Waldron (02:21.158)
Randy, I am so excited to talk to you because this, what we're going to talk about today is a, uh, let's say a problem.

Randall Gravitt (02:31.502)
Yeah, I agree. I'm excited about talking to you too. Thanks for having me on. Thanks for all you do.

Skot Waldron (02:39.302)
Well, thanks. Thanks for all you do. You've, you've paved the, uh, the path for lots of us that are following in your footsteps of, of leadership and really helping leaders be the best people they can be. Um, not only at work, but at home too, because how many times have you heard, you know, the spouse or somebody else come up to you and kind of like say, I don't really know what you did to my, my husband. I don't know what you did to my wife, but thank you. You know, how many times does that happen?

Randall Gravitt (02:54.798)
at home.

Randall Gravitt (03:07.182)
Yeah, yeah, it happens. It definitely does. We try to remind leaders all the time. If you win at work and you lose at home, I think you still lose. It's not enough just to go build something great and then not have it great when you go home at night or in the day whenever you go home. So yeah, we're trying to, we spend most of our time helping leaders in the corporate space, but I just thought there was such a gap here with this idea of what happens outside of work.

I think actually that's positions you to win at work. So we thought, well, let's just create some content for that. Because nobody seems to be talking about it. And it seems to, like you say, be a big problem.

Skot Waldron (03:48.006)
It is, uh, and it kind of goes along with the whole burnout thing that's happening right now. Um, I mean that, that burnout topics hit and hard, and I don't know if it's because of the flux of, you know, there was a, like a big lull, you know, layoffs during COVID and then a big hiring jump that happened and then kind of a, like back down a little bit. And then people are learned during COVID to do more with less people and resources. And then their people are burnout and.

I don't know, it's reflecting a lot in the home space too.

Randall Gravitt (04:20.781)
Well, it is and I ran across a quote from, what's the guy's name? David White. I don't know if you've heard of him. He calls himself a corporate poet. I'm not even sure what that is, but he's got some really cool books and he wrote a book years ago called, I think, Crossing the Unknown Sea. And he talks about burnout in there and he says that the antidote to exhaustion, I love this quote, he says, the antidote to exhaustion, burnout, is not.

is not necessarily rest. We think, well, I just need a nap or I need to pull back, I need a vacation, I need more time with my family. He says the antidote to exhaustion is actually wholeheartedness. And when we have a whole heart, we have, and I like to think of it when we have an integrated life, not just, you know, our math word integer is where we get our word integrity from. And there's this wholeness, wholeheartedness to use his phrase that comes. And when we have that,

Most people don't get really burned out, but when my life is disintegrated or blown apart, you know, home's not working, work might be working, home's not so good or home is okay and work's not so good. I think we ought to be really focused on having an integrated life. And if we can get that going on, most people don't end up burned out. So it's, I think sometimes we're just not taking care of ourselves the way we should, not thinking about both sides of the coin, you know, home and work like we need to. So.

Yeah, we've got this book coming out called Winning Begins at Home and I'm excited about it.

Skot Waldron (05:52.486)
Let's talk about the idea of success because I think that's what, I don't know. I'm my, without, without your thoughts on this yet, but I mean the perspective of success. Um, and I don't know if it's a, you know, way of just an old school way of thinking of like, if I, if I fail at work, then who am I? You know, like my identity is wrapped up in my achievements at work. My identity is wrapped up in who I am at work. And if I fail there, then.

Who am I? So my success at work has to be there or else I'm a failure as a human being.

Randall Gravitt (06:27.278)
Yeah, I think sometimes we find our identity in the wrong places if we're not careful and work is a good example. We get a paycheck at work. A lot of us have a supervisor that gives you a, you know, you get a review or you got somebody telling you what to do or you got expectations and so many people at home, especially moms and dads who are parents, you know, I know you have kids. We have four girls ourselves. They're grown up and gone now, have their own kids.

which is cool, but when I look at people at home, so many times these expectations, we're not really sure what to do. When we first have kids, we felt like we were making it up as you go. I mean, we just like, you don't know anything, but at work, you kind of know what you're doing and you know what you're supposed to do. And so it's easy to get it twisted and think our identity is there. And we start describing success the wrong way or...

embracing a definition of success. It's really not, it's what the world says is success. But if we really stop and think about what makes you successful. And I know you had my friend and partner, Mark Miller, on a few episodes ago, and you guys talked about the idea of uncommon greatness. We've had a chance to work on that project. And I think his language around that is it's either,

There's things that are lasting versus things that are fleeting. And I think when we get it right at home, there's more joy there. There's just better stuff going on than if we only get it right at work. To me, that's not what I want to do. I want to make sure that I'm actually starting there. To me, there's only one guy who can be the dad to your kids, right? And one guy who can be the husband to your wife.

or if you're a wife listening, you're the only spouse. I mean, that kind of mindset, if I remember that, a lot of people can probably do my work outside of home, but you're the guy. If you're the father of some kids or you've got a spouse or whatever. So yeah, I think it's a great question, but we get it twisted up. So easy to do.

Skot Waldron (08:46.886)
When we think about, you know, we just got to pay our dues though, Randy. We just got to pay our dues. We got to, it's the thing of like, you know, sometimes they will get our spouses and then they'll say things like, Hey, we, I know you're working a lot right now. I know it's just a season of life and that's just what you got to do. So I know we don't see you very much. I know you're traveling every week.

and whatnot, and then you fly in, you're like the weekend parent, like the weekend superhero person. But it's like this, this mentality around. Where are we enabling this thought? Are we enablers because we're just, just taking it for what it is. We just assume that that's how it happens. And that's how we climb the ladder is by paying our dues, by not seeing our family.

Randall Gravitt (09:37.55)
Yeah, well, you know, you I'll take your word there or your term pay the dues. I think about joining a club or something. There's dues in those kind of places, you know, and you get to decide whether you want to join that or not. And I think the same thing's true here. When we think about our work and we're traveling, you know, all the time or we're working 80 hours a week. Why are we doing that? I mean, what what's and I understand people are going to push back real quick and say, well, you can't afford.

to buy groceries or live in a house or people like living indoors, it's good. But the reality is, I think we put ourselves on this hamster wheel of activity and if we're not careful, we'll confuse activity with accomplishment. And I think when you get to the end of your journey, you're gonna find that the things that you have regret about are going to be, a lot of times, gonna be those things outside of home.

and are outside of work, the things that happen at home. And so it's to me, it's just, you gotta make a decision. Like how much of yourself are you gonna give to your work? And I do think, go back to what we just talked about, a lot of people define their identity in that. I mean, let's be honest, your kids are probably not gonna come home tonight and say, thank you for keeping me fed and alive and all this. And if you do the right thing at work, sometimes we get an accolade or somebody appreciates it.

We get paid every couple of weeks. And so it's easy to get all that stuff twisted, but at the end of the day, I think the real heroes are the ones who are remembering that it's not just building a great company, but can we have something outside of work that is going to endure it? To me, that's where your legacy will actually be written there as much as it will in your company or whatever you got going on there.

Skot Waldron (11:27.398)
Can we talk about the work life balance phrase, please? Can we, can we please hit on that? Cause I don't, I I've heard so many things back and forth about it. I don't know if I truly believe in that true idea of like work life balance. I don't know if it's like 50 % of this and 50 % that are like what the ratio is. Like, can we, can we talk about that?

Randall Gravitt (11:50.158)
Yeah, I think when I hear that term, you almost think about a seesaw back when we were little kids or I'm pretty old. We had seesaws on the playground back in the day or a teeter totter, they called it. And you get equal weight on both sides and the thing would balance itself out. And if you got somebody who's heavier on one side, it would jack the other person up. And I think sometimes that's when we think about work -life balance. It's like, I'm going to put 50 % over here and 50 % over there. And the reality is you're going to spend a bunch of time at work. A third of your life probably is going to be spent.

at work. So I'm not, to me, I don't get so caught up in the amount of time. It's what I do with the time I have where I am. I mean, I can go to work and not be at work. Really. You can spend, you know, I know a lot of people that are, I think engagement numbers now are at 20 % of people are engaged, which is kind of sad. You go to work and you don't really go to work. I mean, I think you ought to love your work, but, but also think when you go home, there's this, there's this, I'll use the word tension. I heard somebody say one time that balance.

is learning to live in the center of tension. And I think that's really good. There's always going to be tension. Work's going really well right now and home's not so good and I've got to put a little more focus over here. I get things, even at home, I've got my wife and I, things are great, but my kids not so great. Or one of my kids, I got a struggle there. Or now I'm going good with one of these kids and then next thing you know, our finances are out of whack. So there's a lot of things that happen at home besides.

or now I don't have time to exercise or whatever. I mean, all kinds of people listening here. There's always gonna be tension, Scott. I don't think we're ever gonna get to a place where we're going, man, this thing is leveled out and perfect. It's just part of being alive. And so I think we have to get comfortable living in the center of that tension. And there's no perfect life, there's no perfect family, no perfect people. I'm a mess in front of the line. So I don't think we can.

ever expect for work and life to be balanced. I don't know that that's even possible. So I think we just all let that go and go, you know what, there's going to be some tension here as long as I'm focused on doing what I can do to, I use the phrase dominate the controllables. I was years ago, I had a, I spent a few years working with a, with a major league baseball team, their coaching staff. And, and, uh, I went in and we were,

Randall Gravitt (14:11.31)
First time I was ever with them in the building, all their coaches, about 80 coaches from low A ball all the way up through their major league guys are in this building and they've got a sign on the, they've got their values written out on the wall and these posters and one of them says, control the controllables. And I went in and the first thing I told them, I said, I think you need to change one of your values. And I thought they were gonna kind of throw me out of camp there, first sentence out of my mouth. But I said, here's the deal.

I think you ought to try to dominate your controllables. That's the place where you ought to run up to score. You shouldn't try to control what you can control. You should dominate that. There's so little stuff that we can have control over, but I can have control over whether I show up for my kids and when I'm there, am I really there? Am I on my phone, you know, working through work emails or checking a text? Am I really present with my son or my daughter? Am I really, you know, if you have a son or a daughter or we're your spouse, I mean, I...

You go into a restaurant, you see people sitting together and you can just tell they're not really together. And I think there's things that we can control. That to me is where we ought to try to run up the score and be present. So that tension deal is real and it's gonna be real and I think we ought to get comfortable with that. And if we can, we have a chance to really win in both places.

Skot Waldron (15:32.294)
Have you worked with, let's just take executives, right? We're going to have some executives listening to this show and they're in the C -suite and they've done their work and now they're up to that level. And they kind of think, you know, it's, it's up to me. I, a lot of pressure. They feel a lot of the responsibility of their people and of the success of the company, whether it's to shareholders or whoever. And.

They just hunker down and grind and maybe it's their tendency to, they love work. They really enjoy it. And, and so they sit there and they just, they grind it out and they are working at all hours of the night and all hours of the day and whatnot. They love their family, but they just, they also love work. And I don't know. Like I, I see this as, is that okay? Like.

Where, where is the, like the thing where some executives will say, you know what? No, I'm going home. It's five o 'clock. You know, like, are there executives that do that?

Randall Gravitt (16:40.782)
Yeah, I think that's a fantastic question. And I think sometimes what I see is executives do love their work. They do find their identity. What we talked about a minute ago, they do find their identity in their work. And if they're not careful, they will begin to forfeit things that are going to actually, I think they're going to matter down the road when we don't focus on home at all. And we just like, I'm going to grind here. This is going to be my season. And then we're going to get to this point.

Well, that, I mean, if you have kids, my wife and I, we have the four curls. I can, and again, they're all now have their own families and kids. It just feels like a blink and that was gone. And so you only have so much time. And if we're not careful, we can justify, well, they're really small right now. It's not going to matter. Or they're really, they're only in elementary school. And if we move a couple of times, it'll, you know, I'll do what I mean. All kinds of stuff that goes into our minds here.

and they're resilient, they'll be okay, it'll be good for them. I mean, we just, we say all this stuff. And I just think we're going to be, if we're not careful, we're going to just work ourselves to a place where, again, we may be getting a lot of joy out of it, but if we're not careful, we can even mask the fact that we're not so good at home. We don't even know what to do at home. We're not sure how to handle some of those relationships at home. You know, I can tell Bill what to do. He's on my team and...

I'll fire him if he does, you know, it's like this crazy stuff we think, but my kid, I don't even know how to handle that. I mean, he's going through some stuff and I'll just ignore it and hope it'll go away. And you know, Mark and I always say when we're working with companies, hope is not a strategy. And I think the same thing sure at home. It's like, I hope something will be different or maybe something will change. That's not, you really have to behave your way to high performance. They know that in the workplace. I think the same thing's true at home. I've got to show up at home and make sure that I'm.

doing what I'm supposed to do there. So I don't know if that's helpful, but I just have met so many executives who have so much regret because they didn't pay attention to what we're talking about here. So.

Skot Waldron (18:50.918)
In your book, it's, it's, it's a parable and there's this guy named John Williams. And, and so tell me, give me the premise of the book. Like give me a little bit of tidbit of John. What's he going through and, uh, why you wrote it this way.

Randall Gravitt (19:08.718)
Yeah, well, that's great. John is a, he is an executive. He's got a consulting company and he's doing really well and things that he's got three little kids at home and a wife and things are rocky at home at best, not going so well. And I'm a storyteller. So that's why I used to parable. We've done some of those in the past, our other books. I know Mark did several of his first books that way and it got lots of authors who...

done that and I just think it helps us connect to a real life situation to what's going on in one. There's a lot of truth all through this thing with what's going on with this guy but basically the story is his next door neighbor who was his little league coach ironically 30 years earlier, this guy, this old guy still

coaching little league baseball and he's got to step aside for a few weeks and so he gets John to take his place and John meets this guy who's the head coach and that guy kind of becomes the guru and walks him through a process that we talk about. And really if I look back on my life, even go back to my childhood, my dad is sort of the one who inspired some of this story.

He worked with another coach and it was kind of cool when I was growing up, was playing ball. But the book really has two fundamentals in it. The idea of loving first, it's that we would show up and think about what would it look like for me to love people in such a way that the people who know me the best actually could love me the most. I know so many people, the people who know them the best respect them the least. They're

some of the stuff that you were just describing there, I'm always at work or she's always gone or, you know, occasionally at this. It's just like kids and spouses need us to be there when we're there. And we don't have to be there all the time, but when we are there, we need to be locked in on what we're trying to do there. And so this love first mindset was how do we give our kids the benefit of the doubt? How do we give our spouse the benefit of the doubt? How do we approach them with gentleness and not...

Randall Gravitt (21:32.814)
I've always heard you're never persuasive when you're abrasive. It's so easy to try to be harsh and make my point and say things. My wife says saying it louder doesn't make you more right. Loving first is approaching those relationships and being willing to put that other person first. It's giving them the home -filled advantage is the way I talk about it sometimes.

and we think about sports, if you watch any sports, especially baseball as an example here, the home team typically has the most fans and they get the bat last. Well, what would it look like for you to let your kid have the last word or let your spouse go last, you know, in the conversation and not have to make your point. And so many people are trying to be right rather than get it right. And I want to make sure that we're talking about...

loving first is, you know, it's kind of a, that's where, to me, that's where it starts. It's the most powerful word in the history of the English language they say. And yet we think it's just some noun. It's like, we're in love. And I'll always tell people, you don't really fall in love. You fall in a hole. You grow into love. It's, love is a verb. It's not just a noun. It's a verb. It's something you do. And you demonstrate that. And that's the second fundamental. It's about living last. It's about.

If you're the leader or in a leadership position, this works in the corporate world as well. But you, you have this mindset of racing to the back of the line. That's, that's the uncommon greatness mindset. It's that I'm going to let other people, um, know that I'm here to help them win. And I like the, I like the, uh, the offensive lineman mindset, which sounds crazy because if you, if you're, if you follow football at all, all you hear about is quarterbacks and people who score and coaches, whatever.

Nobody's ever talking about offensive linemen at all. And yet they're the ones who show up every game, every day, practice, whatever. They get all taped up and padded up and they go out on the field and they open up a hole so somebody else can score. And that to me is what a great mom or a great dad or a great spouse does is they are really trying to help the people around them win rather than just me first, what can you do for me mindset? And I think there's lots of joy there when we get that right and we know that.

Randall Gravitt (23:55.15)
We're raising winners and we're, you know, we've got a vibrant relationship here. That's that, that's that live last mindset. So all that story really was inspired by watching some of this stuff when I was a kid and, and, uh, fun story. My dad, uh, I guess I was 12 years old going to be, I was 12 years old, had just turned 12 years old. It was going to be in the top age of our little league, you know, playing little league baseball.

And I'm not sure you're a you're an Atlanta guy, but I'm a country boy from up in North Georgia. And so they aluminum bats may have been invented a little bit before 1970, whatever that would have been. But but for me, they came to our hometown and I got one for Christmas and I'm thinking that I'm going to be the oldest guy in the league. And I'm thinking this is going to this changes the game, man. It's just going to be bad. So you can really hit it a long way with the aluminum back compared to a wood bat and.

And so I'm all jacked up about that. And we start getting ready for the season. And my dad says, hang on, hang on, buddy. I'm going to teach you how to bunt. And I'm thinking, bunt? Have you? I don't even, what is that? And you know, if the listeners are not familiar with baseball, bunt is when you take the bat, you just, you barely just hit the ball and it goes out in front of the plate, you know, eight or 10 feet. And really the goal here is if you have a runner on base, you're trying to move the runner up. You're trying to help that runner move up. So.

Somebody else can get a hit and that person can score. And man, I'm thinking my dad's lost his mind. Like, bunning, why, we're trying to move runners up on base. Why can't I, you know, I want to see if I can hit one over the fence. You know, I'm a little kid and I'm thinking that would be, that feels like that would be a lot more fun, a lot more glory in that than, than he bunts a lot, you know. And yet what my dad was teaching me was not about baseball at all. It was about you're going to grow up someday and sacrifice is going to need to be a part of your.

of your thinking, if you're going to be a really great leader, if you're going to be a great family member, all that kind of stuff. And so, yeah, all that stuff really is wrapped up in that story. And I think so many of us, we don't like to think about bunning. We don't like to think about helping somebody else. Like, what can you do for me rather than what can I do for you? But the best leaders I know, my favorite people, honestly, to hang around are the ones who are always thinking others first. They're always helping other people. You know.

Randall Gravitt (26:19.118)
win and to me that's what makes you a winner. If you lie down at night and you didn't help anybody win today, I'm not sure you're winning. But if you really can lie down tonight and go, man, I helped some people make some progress today, that to me is what makes you a leader worth following.

Skot Waldron (26:34.79)
Hey man, is there a, um, you've, I'm sure you've seen some successful people do this successfully, you know, balance out this whole work life thing. And, and I don't know if it's like work life harmony or what it is, right. But what are the traits of people that have done this well?

Randall Gravitt (26:56.494)
Well, I think it starts with, I'm not sure this is a trait, but I think it starts with a decision. I was having a conversation with a coach, actually an NFL coach, an assistant coach in NFL, who he told me he had played with another team. He had actually played before he became a coach and he played with the team and he said, they won a Superbowl. And he said, I was thinking about when we won the Superbowl, you know, on TV there's confetti falling and it looks like, you know, the whole.

place is going crazy and he said but honestly what happens is there's a little stage they bring out it's in one little part of the on the field and there is some confetti and they blow it out and you know the cameras make it look like it's the whole arena is going crazy but they said this is one little corner of the field and I'm looking around and I'm and I'm seeing a bunch of our coaches and I see some of our players I look I look at our coaches who are just working all the time and it's great that we got this trophy but he said the truth is

Most of them had blown up their family, had not really taken care of their most important relationships. They didn't know their kids. And he said, I'm watching all that. And now he said, I'm a coach and he has two little girls. And he said, I'm watching all this. And now reflecting on, I'm thinking, and this organization, they're trying to win a Superbowl as well. But he's asking himself, can we win a Superbowl and me still be a dad to these little girls and be a husband to my wife? And he asked me his question. And when he did, I said,

Here's my question for you. If you win a Super Bowl and you lose all this, do you want to win a Super Bowl? And he said, if I lose all this, I don't want to win anything. I mean, I do want to win a Super Bowl and I do, but I don't. So for him, it was just, I've got to think the right way first. I got to decide what kind of family do I want? And we talk about this in the book. It's you define, you know, what do you really want here?

What is success? And I think so many of us just get on this corporate ladder or whatever you want to call it and we're heading toward what we have been told is successful. And we haven't really given a lot of thought to that at home. So what kind of family do you want? I would start there. And then the second thing we say is to decide why. Not just to define what, but to decide why. Why do you want that kind of family? And if you...

Randall Gravitt (29:18.478)
If you can answer those questions, you can begin to almost create a little bit of a blueprint for building your family. And then there's, you know, obviously in the back of the parable, we got 70 page activation guide that kind of walks you through how you would implement all this. And so those trades, it does start with a decision, but it also starts with putting some time into it and focusing on it and training. Could I use that word? I mean, I'm an old...

back in the day was a marathon runner for a while. And I'd have all these people would come to me and say, hey, I want to do a marathon. And what I found out through the years was people really didn't want to run a marathon. They wanted a medal and a t -shirt to say they've run a marathon. That's what they wanted. But if you're going to be a marathon runner, you got to put work in, you got to put some training in, you're going to need to run. And I think the same thing is true at home. People say I want a great family, but they're really not.

willing to, I think so many times we want people to think we have a great family, but are we willing to put time into those relationships? Are we able to admit when we're wrong to our spouse? Are we able to have a conversation when it's like, ah, this is just not really working and it's easier for me just to flip on the TV or scroll social media or whatever. And there's a price to be paid for this. It's gonna require you to do some work.

But man, it's so cool when you get it right. And for me, when you don't get it right, that's where you have regret. You can just go by and go, oh my gosh, that's not what I wanted. So yeah, it's that decision and that willingness to put time into it. And the people who focus on having a great family, usually their family is at a better place than if they don't give a lot of time with it. The other thing I would say is having some people around you who...

who maybe are a little bit ahead of you or at least on the same journey with you that you can look at and you can learn from and hang out with. That's helped us. The community around us has really helped us, encouraged us, and I would just encourage anybody's listening. If you're not, it's not going the way you want it to, find some people around you that you think, they don't have it together either, but they might have it, you might can learn something from the people around you.

Randall Gravitt (31:44.11)
Just those kind of things to me are what put you on a road to success.

Skot Waldron (31:49.414)
Brilliant, man. Randy, this is awesome. Um, we don't talk about the personal side of leadership too much. I mean, the, I mean the home personal side, you know, we talk about how to perform better and how do we, you know, lead people better and how do we do this better? But you're right. If, if we are, um, failing at home, then there probably is no amount of work that can compensate for, for that, you know, success at work is, you know,

Do we really want to win the Superbowl if we're still failing at home? I don't know. Um, so I, I love that. I'm so stoked that you're on. I'm grateful that you wrote this book. Um, I know some people I'm going to gift it to, uh, that actually, uh, I'm, I'm talking with and coaching right now. So I think that it could help. Let me, um, get from you. Where do we find you? Where do we get some information from you? We want to hear you speak. We want to hear you. We want to.

Randall Gravitt (32:22.414)

Skot Waldron (32:46.982)
you know, ask about your coaching services. We want to buy your book. What do we do?

Randall Gravitt (32:49.998)
Yeah, well, you can go to, you can go to leadeveryday .com. That's our company. Mark and I have a company, Lead Every Day, and we're helping leaders and organizations and everything from leadership development, building the culture to alignment and engagement and execution. I mean, all the culture, all the fun stuff. We get to work with some of the best companies in the world, do a lot of stuff with Chick -fil -A and, you know, other companies. It's been so fun. Sports teams. It's awesome. If we can help your company, that'd be great. But if you're looking for the book, you can go to winningbeginsathome .com.

It's gonna be released June the 11th. I'm not sure when this will come out or whatever, but June the 11th of the summer here, right before Father's Day. I think it'd make a great Father's Day gift if you're looking for something to give the guys that you care about. You can pre -order it on Amazon or wherever if you wanna get it there. It's everywhere. Barnes and Noble, all the places you get your books. But we've got them there at winningbeginsathome .com as well. You can get that. We actually have...

This is kind of cool. We've created a course to sort of walk people through what to do after they listen to the parable and help them through that activation guide. So I think we got $150 worth of bonuses that we've created. If you pre -ordered the book, you actually get that for free. So you can go to, you can go to winningbeginsathome .com. It'll take you there and check all that out. So yeah, if we can help you reach out, love to serve any leaders we can in their company life. But obviously we're...

passionate about trying to make sure things get better at home as well. I'll just say this, I'm not sure, I mean our world is pretty messed up right now if you ask me. There's a lot of stuff going on. I don't know that the government's about to fix it all. I don't care which way you vote. I'm not confident they're gonna solve what's going on. I've got a bunch of my friends who are teachers and they're saying,

Education is there. We're trying to do the best we can, but I'm not sure. To me, Scott, it if it's going to get better, it starts starts in the four walls of our homes. We can make that better and then, you know, help our neighborhoods and help our schools and help our government, help our businesses, all that stuff. It it we've got a we got a shot of making things better. When we get better, everything around us gets better. And so I would just encourage every leader who's listening to yes, go build something great. But but if you went at work and you lose at home.

Randall Gravitt (35:15.182)
I'm not sure you win. Let's make sure that we're winning where it matters most as well.

Skot Waldron (35:20.582)
Preach preach here, Andy. Thank you, dude. Have a beautiful day. Good luck with the book lunch and everything that goes along with that, man.

Randall Gravitt (35:28.526)
You too. Thanks again for all you do, Scott. Appreciate it. Thanks for having me on.

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