Unlocking Secrets To Global Leadership With Asad Ahmed


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Episode Overview:

In this podcast, Asad shares his insights on global leadership and the importance of cultural nuances in different parts of the world. He emphasizes the need for leaders to adapt to different cultures and create a culture of inclusivity and collaboration. Asad also highlights the value of listening and asking the question, 'How can I help?' to understand the needs and perspectives of the team. He shares the best leadership advice he received, which is to recognize that your opinion matters beyond your immediate experience. Asad recommends Ryan Leake's books for introspective questions on personal growth and leadership.

Additional Resources:

* Website

Asad (00:00.814)
I have not, no.

Skot Waldron (00:01.819)
Okay. So Riverside, it's a buffering platform, right? So, it's, it's recording live on your end and recording live on my end. So what's going to happen is that you're going to see this kind of, it's uploading as we talk. And basically sometimes you'll see it kind of like get fuzzy or kind of glitchy. Sometimes it's still recording high res on your end. It's recording high res on my end.

Asad (00:11.918)

Asad (00:17.23)

Skot Waldron (00:27.995)
So if there's ever something where it looks like I'm frozen or whatever, it's recording still. So just kind of go with it. If you have no idea what I said, then, you know, let me know. Yeah. but we'll just go with it at the end of the interview. When I hit stop, don't leave. it's got to finish uploading and then we'll, we'll just kind of keep going from there. Okay. and I'll kind of debrief. I'll do an intro and an outro after the shows. So you don't need to worry about that. I'll just kind of come in cold turkey.

Asad (00:32.269)

Asad (00:37.581)

Asad (00:49.07)
Okay, cool.

Skot Waldron (00:57.339)
but I would like to, talk a little bit about your global leadership experience too, if that's cool from a global perspective, because I'm curious about that. That's not something that I've hit on too much. So I think that'd be fascinating to kind of hit on. and, and you pronounce it.

Asad (01:03.533)
Sure. Yeah, 100%.

Asad (01:18.765)
acid. Yeah.

Skot Waldron (01:20.123)
I said, okay, I had a kid on my soccer team named Ahmed and I was like, so when I saw your last name was Ahmed, I'm like, okay, I got to make sure I don't call him Ahmed. You know, so it's like, I know, I'm sure, I'm sure it's, I don't know if it's more common. Is it more common first name or more common last name?

Asad (01:29.517)
Right. It happens a lot.

Asad (01:37.42)
Both, to be honest with you. Yeah, and as you kind of go across countries in the Middle East and Southeast Asia, there are different cultural norms as well. So it varies.

Skot Waldron (01:39.195)
Is it really? Okay. All right.

Skot Waldron (01:47.195)
Alright, cool. I'll make sure I don't call you Ahmed. Yell your name Ahmed to pass the ball. That's what I was yelling most of the season. I'll try not to yell that. Okay, cool man. You ready?

Asad (01:51.979)

Asad (01:56.555)

Asad (02:02.187)
Yeah, let's do it.

Skot Waldron (02:05.723)
Asad, it's so good to have you, man. Thank you for jumping on.

Asad (02:09.484)
My pleasure, Scott. Nice to be with you.

Skot Waldron (02:12.283)
And, I'm getting one free hotel stay out of this interview. Correct. Is that the way? Okay. Bonus bonus. That's cool. no, I really appreciate you doing this. You have a wealth of, leadership experience, you know, from a global standpoint, which we're going to hit on a bit, but I, I'm interested in your philosophy. I mean, you're not my typical interview.

Asad (02:15.627)
We'll see how it goes. Maybe there's more.

Skot Waldron (02:40.571)
You know, my typical interview is somebody who's written a book about this and somebody who is out there like speaking on this on stages and things like this, but you are kind of like this. Person that represents it inside the organizations and you've kind of adopted a philosophy of leadership. And now you're out there just kind of talking to people, serving people who want to be served through your ideas. So tell me about your.

journey to get to this idea. Cause I don't think you, I don't know if you necessarily started out this way, but now you're kind of like. Leadership is just a way of doing things. It's just kind of a obvious way that I work. So how did you get to this point from where you were?

Asad (03:24.265)
You know, I think it's just something that has happened over time. I've been in corporate America for a long time in a couple of different industry spaces, a couple of different geographies, as you alluded to as well. And, you know, as I have kind of grown in my career, I've been exposed to more in terms of taking on greater responsibilities, working with more people, working in more complex parts of different organizations.

And along the way, of course, as is always the case, I've had different leaders as well. And I've observed different leaders from a distance. And so I've also thought over time about leadership scenarios that I have been a part of on the receiving end that have really inspired me or driven me or motivated me and the opposite as well. And I've had, you know, a decent number of leadership experiences where I've had leaders or managers.

either directly or in organizations that I've observed that were not so inspiring and not so motivating. And I've learned a tremendous amount from those situations also. But, you know, aside from the direct interactions that I've had, I've also probably for a long time, subconsciously and for a shorter period of time, consciously been a little bit of a student of leadership also in terms of observing strong leaders in the corporate arena.

In the political arena, sports is obviously a great place where you can take great inspiration from as well. History, fiction, you know, you watch a movie and you see how a leader is positioned and what are those traits and characteristics and what inspires and motivates people. So I think I've had lots of different inputs and stimuli that have kind of driven my personal involvement in leadership, but I've also begun to be more conscious.

over time, as I've taken on greater positions of leadership of what is working for me personally with teams that I've led, with organizations that I've been a part of, and the dynamics that are at play in those situations. And you also have scenarios where you are directly leading people or projects or teams, but then there's also kind of indirect leadership where you're not necessarily in charge.

Asad (05:45.03)
in a situation, but it's more about influence management. And in those situations, looking at and observing, why are people choosing to come along with you versus why are they not? And being just as conscious of that for yourself personally and how you're behaving, succeeding, not succeeding in those situations, but also watching that dynamic when you're observing others. And so I think lots of those things have stacked up for me over time.

as I've continued to grow in leadership positions, I get more feedback from my teams, from peers, from my managers about where I am succeeding and where I have opportunities as a leader. So it just has become an increasing part of the narrative that I am involved in on a day -to -day basis. And again, as I am growing in my career leadership presence, I am now also mentoring and coaching leaders who report to me.

And so that's elevated some degree of consciousness for me as well to say, hey, as I'm talking to these folks who are in their first, second, third leadership roles, and they're looking to grow in different ways, what can I give them? And recognizing that that's not a standard stock answer either. A lot of this is very situational. A lot of this is personality driven, and a lot of this is driven by where people are coming from and where they're trying to get to. And...

and recognizing those differences and trying to then adapt and accommodate what you're doing and how you're doing it to those situations.

Skot Waldron (07:20.827)
It's been, so go back to your, your student of leadership idea. We need to all be students of, of different principles and life. And, and, you mentioned athletes, movies, you know, things like that. Is there anybody kind of that's, you know, your non -typical leader that you can think of that you've kind of taken examples from in your life?

Asad (07:25.284)


Asad (07:50.563)
you know, so if I think about athletes, I will look at folks who, whether it's on the basketball court, the gridiron, baseball, diamond soccer field, I can give you some names certainly as well. But the thing that I am tremendously, kind of driven and motivated by is those individuals who are in the middle of that team dynamic.

and managed to raise their performance and first of all, demonstrate incredible examples of self -belief. Take a Michael Jordan as an example, a Stefan Curry, right? Who you just see it in their eyes, whatever the score card reads, there is no weakness or concern on their faces. You see that self -belief in themselves. And what you see that do is first of all, that confidence they have, but how that rubs off.

on everyone around them. That self belief that you have in terms of, okay, we're climbing a hill, but we got this. We can figure out a way to get this done elevates everyone around them. And that self belief begins to rub off on the others around them. And in some cases, that's a formal leadership scenario. In other cases, it's just, Hey, we're a bunch of peers. We're all working towards the same objective. I feel like we can do this. So you know what? You should feel like it also, and we're going to do this together.

It's not just going to be me who's doing this. We're a team. So I look at scenarios like that, that, you know, on the sports, in the sports environment, I find incredibly interesting and motivating. I look at movies, you know, I'm a bit, I'm a Trekkie. And so I enjoy watching that dynamic, pick your Star Trek series. And the captains have always been unique and interesting characters because there's always,

something that's inherently flawed about them that, you know, kind of weighs them down in certain ways. But again, that confidence, the empathy of understanding the fact that in that case, it is a chain of command. I'm the person in charge and you kind of all report to me, so to speak, but it's rarely ever a matter of flexing the muscles and saying, I'm the boss. So I'm going to choose a direction and you're all going to follow me without a conversation.

Asad (10:10.24)
you do see even in those fictional scenarios, those individuals being challenged. And when they're challenged, they're receptive, they have a conversation, they debate. And sometimes the original plan is adhered to. And in other cases, there is a diversion to the original plan. So I think that element of vulnerability and humanity is also something that you see in many of these scenarios that is flexed.

and understood and shown as a strength as opposed to a weakness to say that, you know, I am going to talk, I am going to listen, we are going to debate. And sometimes I will admit that my original assessment or decision was wrong. And that's not a sign of weakness. That is actually a sign of showing that I am human. We're all human. We're all going to grow together as a result of this. And then if I kind of pull it back to the corporate world, I look at that, you know, the in the corporate world,

the CEO is ultimately that pinnacle of leadership, if you will. And I've observed in different organizations that I've worked in over my career, how you can have a CEO who kind of has it all, you know, and presents really well, inspires people really well, drives a great organization. But I've also worked in organizations where there are CEOs who don't have it all, and they're really good at one piece of what they do.

and maybe not as good at other pieces of what they do. And I think those are also great examples to show that you can drive an organization of, you know, in many of these cases, hundreds of thousands of people through doing a couple of things really well, but also still have development opportunities as that one individual who these hundreds of thousands of people are led by, motivated by, driven by, and inspired by. And so, you know, just because someone has that title.

of CEO, president, leader, whatever it might be, doesn't mean they've got it all nailed, right? And so that also, I think, is something that I've observed and been inspired by as well to say, this CEO I thought did this really well, this one I thought did this really well, would be great if you could kind of package those things, but not necessary either.

Skot Waldron (12:23.003)
Hmm. What do you think about? So let's pivot. Let's kind of transition it to the global perspective. Do you think that applies globally working in different company and countries around the world? And is that mentality the same, whatever country you go to?

Asad (12:42.94)
I think there are elements of it that are or can be the same, but I do think, and this is maybe a little cliched, but the cultural nuances as you go around the world cannot at all be undervalued and undersold. I think it is so incredibly important. Every company that I've worked for has been an American -based company that has global presence. And those were very...

conscious decisions on my part. I always wanted to work for a company that did business around the world because I just find that dynamic really fascinating and the exposure to the people, business models, success drivers in different parts of the world really interesting and a different challenge from a leadership and an execution perspective. The most effective leaders that I've worked with, whether you talk about CEO level or other layers below that,

have the ability to take what is successful in a market or with a group of people, pick it up foundationally and go to other parts of the world, integrate with other groups of people, but understand that market dynamics are different, background and context of people, that as you go around the world is very different, and being able to capture the elements of all of those diverse pieces.

is really important. I've had really good response and feedback as I have worked in different parts of the world, or as I've been in roles based here in the US that have global scope and relevance. And I'll tell you a couple of things that have really resonated for me in terms of why I've been able to drive some of that success. I am raised predominantly in the US. I am American by all labels that you could...

put on me, but because I've worked in other parts of the world and because I have, when I show up in other parts of the world, I am asking the questions about cultural nuance, about motivating drivers in terms of customers, employees, key stakeholders. Whatever part of the world I've gone to and have interacted with, I feel like that has given me credibility. And they almost kind of start from the position of, hey,

Asad (15:05.241)
We know you're American, but we know you have spent time here or you've operated there or you've interacted with customers in these spaces. You've pulled together global opportunities and you ask for opinions from around the world. And you understand also that when you ask that question of opinions and you ask that of an American, a European, an Asian, someone in the Middle East,

people have different comfort levels in how they articulate and how they position things as well. So I think, you know, those are things that I have personally experienced that have given me credibility or the ability to operate differently and invest people in different programming or initiatives uniquely. But I've also observed that with different leaders, those who kind of will go to different parts of the world and will end up being the bull in the China shop because they just take what they have done somewhere and...

try to pick it up and transport it somewhere else without any of those considerations. And then you find the others who will try to, as much as they can within their own skin, have that sensitivity, ask the right questions, engage with people in different ways, and recognize that that's also not a one and done. You've got to kind of have continuity there to show that it's authentic.

and not just that you read a book about operating in global business environments. And so you're checking your boxes on asking the right questions and then you're just gonna go back to what you were gonna do anyway.

Skot Waldron (16:36.251)
So what are, let me, let me ask you this. If you can see if you can give me an example of I've got, I want to ask you about two, two different parts of this. Okay. The first one will be, what are some leadership styles that would be, give me an example of like how I would lead differently here versus leading and say the middle East or maybe in Europe where you were headquartered, for, for a bit there or stationed for a bit or.

Asad (17:05.623)
Mm -hmm. Yeah.

Skot Waldron (17:05.787)
Say Asia, like what kind of different nuances do I need to consider when I am a global leader in that, in those spaces.

Asad (17:14.774)
So I think the first thing that you learn very quickly is that people from different backgrounds have different comfort levels in conversations, whether it's one -to -one conversation, but even more so when you're in a group setting. The first thing that you've got to consider as you go anywhere outside of the English speaking world is you're dealing with people who may be very proficient from a language perspective, but it's still not their first language. Right? So,

I can't tell you how many times I've spoken to people from pick your country and they'll start with my English is not very good. And I'll sit there and after five minutes, I have to stop them and say, your English is incredible. So stop undervaluing yourself and underselling yourself. We're communicating really well right now. And you're by the way, doing something that I'm not capable of doing because you're flexing into another language that I'm comfortable in. So giving people that credit, first of all, but also.

elevating them to say, hey, you're actually functioning and communicating really well, even if you don't feel as comfortable as you may if you were speaking in your native language. Then you immediately get to some of those cultural nuances when you go to different parts of Asia, when you are in different parts of the Middle East, for instance, versus American or Western European cultural norms. When someone disagrees,

it's very difficult for them to kind of come out and say, I'm not so sure I agree with that in the way that we would be used to in the West, so to speak. Authority, hierarchy, these are things that have a very different cultural standing, right? I'm your boss, you're my boss. What that means in terms of how I interact with you, how I articulate things to you, those are really big deals in some places. That titling and that leveling,

will give people a real comfort level or a real discomfort level. And that works in both directions, right? If I'm the boss and I'm speaking to some of my team members who work for me, their comfort level in challenging me may be a very difficult thing for them. But conversely, the boss in some of those cultures also will be very authoritative and will have an expectation of, I'm the senior person in the room.

Asad (19:32.787)
I have an idea, I'm going to tell everyone how it is, and then we're just going to go and do it, right? Because their job is to execute on what I say and not necessarily to challenge me. So it's interesting when you have some of those cultural dynamics, personal comfort levels, and then you take a Western based or an American based organization that may have a culture of inclusivity and someone who's starting with a very

inclusive collaborative mindset, and they go to one of these other parts of the world, and they're expecting a dialogue, but they're the senior person on the totem pole, and they walk into one of these rooms, and they don't get challenged. And their assumption of, okay, I had a forum, had an opportunity, there could have been discourse, there may have been a little bit, but they're walking in thinking, I am opening up a door of discussion of an inclusive,

collaboration and they don't realize that that may not be a very comfortable situation for the people around the table in another part of the world. So, you know, I think I have seen those examples at play and I've been on both sides of that fence. Candidly, I have grown up in the U .S. predominantly, but I come from an Asian cultural background. And in the early parts of my career,

that hierarchy piece in particular was something that I struggled with because I felt like my boss or my boss's boss is saying something and I'm not in a place where I should be challenging or disagreeing with that. My job is to execute upon that. And that was a big growth opportunity for me as I continued to progress through my career and as I moved through different organizations as well. And I think that I had a couple of.

great leaders along the way who pointed those things out in me and saw that I was doing certain things well, but I had the opportunity to have a seat at the table with a very different voice because of some of the cultural baggage that I came to the table with as well.

Skot Waldron (21:41.243)
Is it the, is it the job of the person coming into those cultures to invite the challenge or try to create a culture of that psychological safety to help bring the challenge? Or is it the job of the person coming in that culture to adapt to the current culture and the, and the norms and behaviors of that? And like, how do they navigate that if they don't necessarily come from that kind of culture or like.

So what do you do about it?

Asad (22:12.687)
It's not a standard or easy template, frankly. In terms of all of the things you just threw out there, my answer would be yes. It's all of the above, right? And you've got to kind of figure it out situationally. And you've also got to think about the different dynamics you're in. And it may be very different in a one -to -one conversation with someone in or from another culture. Maybe very different as you get to a small group dynamic. And then it may be even more different when you get to a larger group dynamic.

may also be different as you are operating in different stakeholder scenarios with colleagues of yours, people in the same company versus you go somewhere and you're meeting with customers. Then how does that dynamic look different? So I think there is a lot of nuance to how and where this can be done, but I absolutely do believe it is the responsibility of the person who is going to from.

to be thinking about all of those things and then have that ability to adapt pretty quickly because you may have this checklist of things to be conscious of and aware of, but it is absolutely going to vary based upon some of those dynamics I just laid out, but also on the individuals that you're dealing with because some of those individuals may be from another part of the world, but may have been working in multinational organizations.

for a significant period of time. And that may be very different than someone who is new to that multinational dynamic, speaks English very well, maybe has traveled the world, but is now operating in a different culture, organizational cultural dynamic. I worked in Italy for two years with a previous company and my boss there was Australian, but someone who had lived in Italy for a long time. So he was very proficient in Italian.

it was a multinational hotel company and Italy being the market that it is had a ton of inbound business from the U S the UK. So everyone in those hotels spoke English, but they were Italian. And so they were more comfortable in Italian. And so it was an interesting dynamic because when I came into that role, I was in kind of a regional leadership role. I was the only member of the team who didn't speak Italian. So my boss immediately created a,

Asad (24:29.774)
couple of dynamics that he tried to implement to make us a better functioning team with some degree of cultural sensitivity. To me, his push was, I know you're not going to become proficient in Italian overnight, but make the effort. And if you make that effort, the people on the other side of the table around the room will appreciate that effort, even if you don't make it to proficiency, even if you're not comfortable speaking in Italian.

On the other side of the fence, as we would be in these meeting rooms, he would point out to the stakeholders that, hey, remember, we are a multinational company. We do business in English. Everything is written in English. A vast majority of our customers are English speakers. So let's continue to operate as much as we can in English. And, you know, it became a really interesting dynamic because.

I got to the point, you know, maybe a year into the role where I'm not very good with languages. So I was never comfortable speaking in Italian, but I got to the point where I told them, let's do the meeting in Italian. I will respond to you in English if that's okay. And if you guys are speaking at a speed or with accents or with terminology that's beginning to go above my head, I'll let you know. But otherwise I feel comfortable enough that I can understand most of what you're saying in Italian.

and I'll flag it if I can't. So again, it went back to his point of make the effort, show them you're trying, and they will appreciate that on its own and it will create a more productive group environment, but also more collaborative team environment where we'll all be much more invested in each other because everyone around the table feels like I'm trying to make you more comfortable.

Skot Waldron (26:14.939)
There's a powerful leadership principle that you're hitting on right here. Right. And I didn't necessarily think about it either until you just brought it up, but I lived in, Switzerland, Southern Germany, Western Austria for a couple of years and, learned, you know, regular German, if you call it regular regular German, but the Swiss have their own dialect and it's a spoken language and, and learn. And so there was an extra level of respect.

Asad (26:19.754)
Mm -hmm.

Skot Waldron (26:44.475)
Right. If I went in and tried to learn the dialect of Swiss German and tried to speak it to somebody, even just a little bit, they would, it was, it was like, you're trying and you're not just American coming over expecting me to speak English, even though they really liked to practice their English. It was always a, you know, it was always a mutual respect type thing. And I thought that that was, that was really cool. And I think as you're talking about this in.

Asad (26:54.601)
Yeah. Yeah.

Asad (27:02.856)

Skot Waldron (27:14.491)
I am, I am a visitor in your world and I am coming in to get to know you. I am coming in to understand you and I'm going to accommodate. Your culture as much as I'm sure you're accommodating mine and just me being a visitor here. but that leadership principle of that's the culture we want to create, whether you're a global organization or not. If you think about that, if I come into a team environment, a new company, whatever am I.

Asad (27:17.416)

Asad (27:27.08)
Right. Right.

Skot Waldron (27:42.395)
Trying to adapt. Am I trying to make an effort to learn your language? Am I trying to learn your behaviors? Am I trying to learn your culture? And I think that that's a pretty big aha moment I just had. So thanks for bringing that.

Asad (27:49.863)

Asad (27:56.039)
Yeah. And it's very natural and organic for leaders to come into an organization, a different market, different culture, and expect people to adapt to them. I'm the new leader. I'm the boss. So you guys are going to learn how to work the way that I work. And I think it doesn't take a lot, as you just said, just little gestures and little outreaches are things that people appreciate and put them in a place of comfort.

very quickly. And then it just becomes a much more productive relationship in the moment, but on a long -term basis as well. And reputationally, you start positioning yourself very differently that even people who haven't interacted with you, they start hearing about these things. And then when you do interact with them in the future, you walk in the room with a very different set of credibility and credentials than you would have otherwise. So I think, I think it's something that kind of pays itself forward.

very quickly as well.

Skot Waldron (28:55.195)
What is one question that you ask or one thing you try to do immediately when you come into a new global office, new global role? what, what, what's something that a leader out there who is maybe in a global role or has a global company and they're talking to teams all over the place. What is that? Like one piece of advice, that one question or that one thing that you would really urge them to do.

Asad (29:23.237)
I think the question I always ask myself and then I ask out loud to the folks involved is how can I help? What can I do? How can I make a difference and let them tell you right out of the gates what value you can add. Because I think we go into these situations with certain assumptions or certain business objectives, right? We have KPIs that we're accountable for. You're walking into a particular business or into a particular

country and you know that this team, this organization is accountable to deliver X. So you walk in with a set of assumptions to say, this is what I know they need to deliver. This is what I see them delivering organically on their own. This is how I can add value on top of that. So there's nothing wrong with that because you've got to prep yourself for walking into a situation. You've got to prep yourself to think about who you are, what you represent, what value you can create.

But the validation to me is incredibly important because first of all, again, as we just talked about from a language and a cultural perspective, asking the question displays vulnerability and shows them that, you know, you're a strong leader, but you also want input, feedback and participation. But from a very practical perspective, it also sets to calibrate the assumptions that you've walked into a situation with and say,

Okay, that was completely spot on or totally wrong or somewhere in between. And you're allowing the team on the ground to help you understand who they are, what they have confidence in and where they feel like a helping hand would be valued and appreciated. And I think that really resonates well, the gesture, but also the feedback that you get, I think can drive effectiveness in a very different way.

Skot Waldron (31:19.099)
Gold, man. Gold. Okay. Really? Two, two lightning round questions. You ready? Number one, the, the most memorable or best leadership advice you've received.

Asad (31:33.218)
best leadership advice I've received. Your opinion matters. And, it's not just your immediate experience. I grew up in sales as I had leadership, roles and, and, and leadership teams that I was a part of. My natural tendency was to think about my background in sales and what that contributed to a discussion. And I had a manager who said, I don't want you on this leadership team just for your sales.

knowledge and input, I want you on this leadership team because of your leadership value and your opinions outside of your functional space. So that was a huge unlock for me and something that has stayed with me forever.

Skot Waldron (32:16.891)
That's awesome. That's powerful. All right. If we all want to continue being students of leadership, is there a go -to podcast or book that you reference?

Asad (32:27.713)
Well, before even getting to a podcast or a book, I would say listening is tremendously important. Whatever the resource would be in your day to day, in your job interactions, listen and observe. But I've got a colleague who I've worked with for a little while named Ryan Leake, who's a fantastic individual, fantastic leader. We've used him here to speak to some of our

teams and audiences. He's written a couple of books, haven't read all of them yet, but certainly I've read one or two of them. And I find that, you know, just his positioning and the way that he asks you to think about how you spend your time on a day -to -day basis and more broadly speaking, are really good introspective questions. And it's not always packaged under the guise or the language of leadership, but ultimately it does lead to questioning, challenging and

recalibrating your own leadership mindset and how you operate and continue to grow on a day -to -day basis.

Skot Waldron (33:33.787)
Very cool. If people want to hang out with you, they just want to like chat it up. They want to understand a little bit more about your brain works. They want to invite you to share your brilliance. Where do they go?

Asad (33:43.999)
You can go to my LinkedIn page and that's probably the best place to start. I try to share things there from time to time, interact with me there, shoot me a message and I'm happy to always connect with folks.

Skot Waldron (33:56.731)
All right. Awesome. Thank you so much. I really appreciate it. continue to naturally just spread your leadership brilliance to the people out there. There's a lot of, there's a lot you have to offer. And I'm really impressed by that leader who told you, it's not just about your sales capability. It is about what you bring as, as a leader and as a person. And I think that if we took that mentality more as the leader of appreciating that in our people, that it would go a long way.

So thanks, man.

Asad (34:26.206)
Totally agree. Thank you. Great, great to be with you, Scott.