The Build Your Brand Online Course
Build more brand clarity, consistency, and differentiation without breaking the bank.
I get it.
Do you have a hard time explaining TRULY why you’re different from the competition?
Do you lack consistency when talking about your company, product, or service?
Are you wasting time, money, and energy on trying to prescribe your own “marketing medicine,” instead of going to a specialist who can truly diagnose your problem?
“Yes,” you say. “But that ‘brand strategy’ stuff is just for the big companies out there that can afford it,” you say. “But we don’t have time for ‘brand strategy’ because we need leads now,” you say.
I get it.
In your head you have a definable brand. But does that match what others think about your brand? Are you being intentional about building your brand effectively?
I’ve been there.
When I launched the Atlanta office for Multiple (the design firm I’m the manager partner of), I needed leads and sales, leads and sales, leads and sales.
It was tough. We kept coming in second on every proposal and had a hard time getting the upper hand on different bids.
I finally realized people saw us as a commodity. We just blended it with the other design firms out there. Ugh. I realized we didn’t have a strong position or brand foundation. No blueprint to work from. How many people do you know have built a house without a blueprint?
No one.
What would happen if they did?
Without a plan or foundation to work from, you would be building something unstable, inconsistent, and temporary. There’s no way that house would pass inspection or last long enough to serve its needed purpose.
That’s why you need one of the most overlooked marketing tools by small businesses.
I recently did a webinar talking about why your marketing isn't working. If you're interested, I've included it below.
Note: The private group is no longer available with the online course. I've begun a small group coaching program if you are interested in more accountability and access to me.

“A brand is the set of expectations, memories, stories and relationships that, taken together, account for a consumer’s decision to choose one product or service over another.”
Seth Godin
Branding vs Marketing
A lot of businesses go straight to marketing tactics (website, digital ads, email, social media). But, what is marketing without a strong idea of who you are and what you represent? Who are you targeting? What’s the problem you’re solving? How do you stand out from the rest of the “noise” out there?
Here’s the difference between marketing and branding, and why I always preach, “Brand First!”
Marketing is like dating. Branding is the reason you say “yes” when someone asks you to get married.
Marketing will win you the battle. Branding wins the war.
Marketing helps you with the day-to-day wins. Branding creates the foundation for your business to thrive when your marketing tactics fail.
Build your brand
Ready for more clarity, structure, and consistency when it comes to marketing yourself or your business?
Introducing The Build Your Brand Online Course
Over the past 18 years as a designer and brand builder, I’ve learned a lot from working with clients ranging from Fortune 500s to individual entrepreneurs.
I realized I had a lot of knowledge, but not everyone had the resources to hire me for individual coaching. That’s why I’ve created this course.
Unlike other courses on brand building, this course is affordable, comprehensive, and easy to follow.
I was hearing from people that felt they lacked focus, consistency, or ways to talk about themselves that were compelling and set them apart. They were doing all the marketing “things,” with not a lot of impact.
What most people do when facing this problem is:
1. Throw more money at digital advertising hoping to build more “brand awareness.”
2. Hire a digital marketing company to throw together a new website.
3. Go to workshop after workshop hoping they'll find the magic marketing bullet.
And what happens when they continue to do the same thing?

Why me?
I’ve been a designer and brand builder for the past 18 years.
During my career, I’ve worked with clients like Chase Bank, The Coca-Cola Company, Georgia Tech, Sesame Workshop, Royal Caribbean, Cisco, Indiana University, The CDC, and others that have given me the tools and knowledge I need to bring this training to you.
I’ve been providing this specific training to businesses large and small for the past 3 years.
I’ve spoken on this topic in front of small businesses and other live gatherings.
I’ve taught numerous workshops helping people clarify their positioning and build their brands.
I’ve used these strategies to help me and my clients build more trust and credibility with their audience.
We needed to simplify and clarify the story that we share to the world. Skot understands what it’s like to run and operate a small business. His approach is hands-on, understanding, and creative. He will educate and guide you throughout the whole process! I now have more direction and a clearer vision.
Build your brand
Marketing tactics will only get you so far. Start building a brand strategy now to guide you in the future.
I’ve created a step-by-step program to help you build a more clear and focused brand.
This course contains five main modules:
What is branding?
What are your brand criteria?
What do other people think about your brand?
What is a persona?
How can you better understand your audience so you can solve their problem?
What questions should you be asking?
The key ingredients to creating a solid elevator pitch using the information in the
other modules
Develop your core mission, vision, and values.
Understand what makes you different.
Gain more clarity and focus when it comes to your business.
We will compile all of the work into a final strategy document.
Plus some extras:
1. The difference between strategy and tactics
2. How to create a simple buyer persona
3. The steps to creating brand loyalty
4. How to create a simple elevator pitch
5. How to simplify your values
6. How to put everything together to pass on to your marketing contractors
I was not able to put my brand out there the way I wanted to. I needed help speaking to the correct audience. I feel like I now have a direction to go and an outline when it comes to developing new ideas for my business.
This is how it's going to work.
2+ Hours of instruction
Simple, Effective
Slide presentation downloads

I had a dream and could see the potential, but could not figure out the best steps in getting there. On top of that, I had so many different passions: teaching drums, building drums, studio work, etc - that it would overwhelm me. No surprise that it led to brand confusion. Skot helped simplify things and helped me get on a path to figuring out what really matters and who my target customers are, and how they want to be interacted with. Game changer, for sure.
REady to Build a solid brand strategy?
Stop wasting time, money, and energy on empty marketing tactics. Create a foundation for everything moving forward.
Finally, The cost.
How much is more clarity, more consistency, and standing out worth to you?
How many more leads and sales would be generated from differentiating yourself effectively and clearly articulating your value?
Click one of the options below and let's get started!
Happiness Policy
I absolutely can’t stand when I buy something and feel like I’ve wasted my money. That’s why, if you absolutely hate this course, I’ll refund every penny. I only ask that you prove to me you’ve developed everything in the course and implemented it into your marketing tactics. If, after 3 months you see zero results, I’ll refund it all. You have nothing to lose.
Frequently asked questions
When can you watch it?
Immediately after purchasing, you’ll be sent a private link where you can jump in and start the course immediately. You could literally be watching the workshop 5 minutes from now.
Can’t I learn all of this on YouTube?
I’m sure you could hunt and find bits a pieces. A lot of it would be conflicting, fluff, or repeat stuff. I’ve been doing this for a long time. I’ve weeded through the pile of “stuff” that’s out there. How many hours would you waste “exploring” YouTube or Google for this information? How much money and sanity is that worth to you? I’ve boiled everything down into a step by step process. It’s all you need to get started.
But, I own a (insert your industry here) business. Will this work for me?
My proven process has been effective for personal brands, tech, photographers, products, fashion, healthcare, food, finance, and service-oriented companies. Basically, yes.
How much more is in the course vs. what you already put out on your blog or social channels?
If the blog is a book, the course is an encyclopedia. Some of the core concepts I’ve discussed on the blog are in the course.
Is this for personal branding or business branding?
Honestly, I use a lot of these same techniques when coaching my personal brand clients. The language is geared towards businesses, but could be used for personal branding if you translate the language to match what you need.
Can I afford this right now?
The better questions might be, “Is this a priority for me right now?” That will tell you if you are ready.
We can really almost afford anything if it’s a priority for us.
We can afford college, cars, a house, etc. It’s really about where we are in our life and business that will ultimately determine if we’re willing to make the investment.
What is one new client worth to you? If you were able to get one new client from this process, would it be worth it? Two new clients?
"Is this the real deal or just someone trying to get me to commit and charge me more later? Everyone says they won’t, but they always do.”
My main purpose for creating this course is to help smaller organizations or entrepreneurs that can’t normally afford to hire me to come into their organization in person. Of course, later, I’d love someone to hire me to come in and do a deeper brand dive if needed, or to design the print/digital pieces around their brand.
But, that’s NOT why this course exists. Again, not everyone can hire me personally to come in and coach them.
This course is for them.
How much time will this take?
Great question!
The video footage probably takes about 2+ hours to go through. There are 22 videos which means they are short and digestible!
The exercises can take anywhere from 15 - 30 minutes each to go through. They can take longer depending on how much effort you put into them.